Tag Archives: active listening

Alright Stop, Collaborate, and Listen…

By Rita Pagan, DES

Did Vanilla Ice get it right? Now that you have that song in your head…anyone else have a problem actively listening when others talk? My brain doesn’t stop, and I can’t help interrupting sometimes. I’m going to make it my New Year’s resolution to try and actively listen.  It’s truly something I need to work on in 2022.

According to the Center for Creative Leadership, “Active listening requires you to listen attentively, understand what they’re saying, respond and reflect on what’s being said, and retain the information for later. This keeps both listener and speaker actively engaged in the conversation.”

Here are a few things I’m going to work on to be a better listener:


My brain moves a mile a minute. When I’m listening, I’m usually thinking about 50 other things I need to do. Working on slowing down and focusing on the person talking is a must!


I mean, how am I supposed to collaborate if I’m not fully listening?  The struggle is real.  Active listening allows you to understand problems and collaborate to develop solutions.


Active listening builds more successful working relationships and make a better impression on the people you work with.

Active listening takes practice. Good thing it’s only January!

Rita Pagan, DES, is IPMI’s director, events & exhibits.