Tag Archives: Special Olympics

Professional Recognition Awards: Highlighting the Best of the Best

By Josh Cantor, CAPP

It’s the first week of March already, which means there’s just under two weeks left to submit your application for one of IPMI’s prestigious Professional Recognition Awards.  Award submissions are due before midnight on March 15, 2022.

Professional Recognition Awards recognize the individual contributions of parking, transportation, and mobility industry professionals—our industry’s best. Entrants for these prestigious awards may be self- or peer nominated. Nominees must be IPMI members in good standing and there is no nomination fee.

Categories include:

  • Professional Excellence Awards in multiple categories: Customer Service, Finance, Frontline, HR, Innovation, leadership, Marketing, Management, Operations, Technology, Other
  • Emerging Leader of the Year.
  • Organization of the Year.
  • James M. Hunnicutt, CAPP, Industry Professional of the Year

Nominations should exhibit excellence in the suggested category, in addition to contribution(s) to the parking, transportation, and mobility industry, professional reputation and creative solutions or innovations.

For more information on the categories and what is required in an application, go to: https://ipminstitute.kinsta.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/2022-Professional-Recognition-Awards-Criteria-and-Eligibility-Requirements.pdf

Winners will get bragging rights plus a fancy new award but also

  • On-stage recognition at the 2022 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo in New Orleans, LA from July 24-27, 2022.
  • Inclusion in a feature highlighting the winners in Parking & Mobility
  • Award recognition on the IPMI website.
  • Inclusion in a press release issued by IPMI announcing winners, including a featured posting on the IPMI website.
  • Template press release to modify and publicize your award.
  • Digital marketing package featuring the new 2022 IPMI Professional Recognition Awards logo in multiple formats for your organization to use on marketing, websites, emails, etc.

You can see last year’s winners at: https://ipminstitute.kinsta.cloud/2021-professoional-recognition-awards/ and envision yourself or your organization in being recognized by your peers as among the best in the industry!

Kathyrn Hebert, my fellow co-chair of the Professional Recognition Awards Committee, wrote this column https://ipminstitute.kinsta.cloud/2022/01/25/goodbye-2021-and-hello-2022-we-love-ipmis-professional-recognition-awards/ with some good tips to keep in mind when submitting. Most importantly, you need to make sure your application is complete!

Questions? Contact us at awards@parking-mobility.org.

Joshua Cantor, CAPP, is director of parking and transportation at George Mason University and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors.


Doing Great Things…Together

By Kristin Vitello

These past two years have been challenging for all of us, but what I have seen is incredible perseverance. We have adapted to the “new” norm and won’t let this stop us from success!

As a relatively new employee of IPMI, I participated in my first IPMI conference and expo back in November.  Going into the conference I was super anxious, not knowing what to expect.  What I experienced was a sense of calm and comfort, with so many people passionate about the parking industry.  I received amazing mentorship and support and I felt a sense of belonging and camaraderie. The positive energy was contagious!

I am truly looking forward to our next conference in New Orleans and establishing many more memorable experiences and friendships.  Also, looking forward to a Beignet from Café du Monde, and the sound of some uplifting jazz music! What are you looking forward to?

Early Bird registration for #IPMI2022 is now open, so don’t wait! Click here to register today, get your discount, and start making your travel plans now. The education sessions will be posted soon, so keep checking back as the details evolve.

As our 16th president of the United States Abraham Lincoln said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” So, let’s all go and do great things together, united as one!

Kristin Vitello is member engagement program manager for IPMI.


Playing Our Part in a Bigger Cause

By Tavris Parker, CAPP

Recently my city welcomed back the Annual Polar Plunge. The Polar Plunge is a fundraising event for more than 23,000 athletes who participate in the Special Olympics. After a year off due to COVID, locals were eager to show support for this cause.

The Plunge event included a 1- and 4-mile run, costume contest, parade, music, and the best part, the plunge into the Atlantic Ocean. Temperature for the day was a high of 39 degrees. With an abundance of sunshine, this made for a perfect day for this event.

This year the fundraising event raised over $1 million for the cause.

Our parking staff was as eager for the return as the locals. We were onsite early to assist with the 1- and 4- mile runs and provide information as needed. We were able to provide great customer service, while also enjoying the event’s costume contest and viewing the exciting plunge into the cold Atlantic Ocean.

Seeing the Polar Plunges’ great turn out and participation was awesome to see. Good vibes to start the year off! Click here to check out some great photo of the event.

Tavris Parker, CAPP, is parking operations manager for the City of Virginia Beach.


Awards of Excellence: This is Your Year!

By Mark Lyons, CAPP

Have you ever thought that it would be really nice if the Award of Excellence (AOE) program felt more achievable? Or, what about if there were more winners? Then say no more. Your wish has come true!

Over the past several months, the committee that oversees the AOE program has reconstituted the rules to do just that. In 2022, why not take advantage of the updated program regulations and submit an entry for award that:

  • Allows for multiple winners in a category.
  • Causes less stress about writing a dissertation on each project that is submitted.
  • Allows for smaller-scale projects to compete more equitably against larger, highly financed programs with big profiles.
  • Recognizes not only projects that are a part of larger national programs, but also appreciates projects that impact local and regional operations.

The updated AOE program has a place for just about everyone’s project, regardless its size or cost. The changes made this year will level the playing field and hopefully provide more encouragement to participate.  Your organization, large or small, deserves recognition for the efforts and successes through the past year. So, the evaluation committee and everyone at IPMI is encouraging you. Don’t be daunted by the idea of submitting your project. We are here to help and to engage your story.

What are you waiting for? Click here to begin your application today.

Mark Lyons, CAPP, is division manager of parking and mobility at the City of Sarasota, Fla., and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors.