Cameras, Cameras Everywhere…


By Harold Robinson, CAPP

Some hate them, some love them, and yes, some may abuse them. I think they are great! Our department uses cameras as a force multiplier as well as a tool for situational awareness. We have our dispatcher in a room with a bank of 6 large screen TVs along with 6 monitors on the desk. The dispatcher watches over access control gates, carpool parking areas, timed and metered spaces, and even bus stops and traffic intersections.

Our two on-campus parking structures have about 200 cameras covering almost every inch of space. Our department has a significant role in installing well over 50 other cameras around campus to oversee parking areas and major points of traffic and pedestrian flow. High volume bus stops and pay-station locations are top priorities, and our dispatcher routinely monitors and checks them for things amiss.

Perhaps unusually, we are separated from the University Police Department which has shared access to the cameras providing a valuable safety resource. One person with a virtual presence across half the campus at same time, managing equipment and various situations.

We are not cruel, though. One of the TVs in dispatch has the Weather Channel on all the time and sometimes we even let them have visitors!

Harold Robinson, CAPP, is the Assistant Director of Parking and Transportation Systems for The University of Mississippi. Harold can be reached at