Don’t Miss your chance to volunteer.

by Rachel Yoka, CAPP, CSO, IPMI

This call closes August 2. Don’t miss out. 

Here’s the official summary:

The current season will kick off this October and continue through May 2026. IPMI members in good standing provide their expertise, time, and knowledge to advance the parking, transportation, and mobility profession. Volunteers gain experience, connect with their peers, and contribute to strategic IPMI initiatives on the most critical issues and trends in our industry.  

Here’s my very short take: 

You get way more than you give.

When I started my career in parking, transportation, and mobility, the first thing my supervisor said to me was that I would volunteer. I was officially ‘voluntold’.  

There’s a very long story between then and now, and it was hands down one of the best “recommendations” I have ever received.

All levity aside – from Day 1 to now (and I will not count them, thank you very much), my experience on volunteer assignments from the Planning, Design, and Construction committee to Parksmart and everything in between has been the best asset in my professional journey.

My network of friends, contacts, and resources increased exponentially.  I learned so many things, and not all of them quickly, but here are my top three:

  1. There is no better education (IMHO) than researching, discussion, and writing or presenting on subject matter that interests you. No need to be an expert when you start!
  2. You won’t work well with everyone, but you will learn a lot about how you work and where you can grow as a team member and as a human.
  3.  Getting to know people personally and working together has been the greatest joy of my career.  Many of those relationships have moved from colleague to tribe.

I hope you find a tribe in your IPMI relationships as well.  Consider yourself unofficially “voluntold”.

Check it out and sign up today.

Rachel Yoka, CAPP, is the Chief Strategy Officer for IPMI. She can be reached at