IPMI Releases Electric Vehicle Readiness Resource Guide
March 29, 2024
Landmark IPMI Electric Vehicle Readiness Resource Guide shares critical benchmarks on industry preparedness and charging adoption to support national electrification initiatives.
Download the guide here free.

“The adoption of electric vehicles for both patrons and fleets in parking, transportation, and mobility represents a sea change in our industry,” said Shawn Conrad, CAE, CEO of the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI). “The NEVI program, along with the multitude of federal, state, and local incentives, will help support this massive initiative nationwide towards smarter cities, greener infrastructure, and greater mobility options. The International Parking & Mobility Institute has launched this survey and several programs in the areas of electrification and EV readiness for our members and the industry at large. We look forward to advancing EV adoption throughout our membership to the benefit of our members, our communities, and the nation.”

About IPMI
The International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) is the world’s largest association of professionals in parking, transportation, and mobility — professionals who keep all of us moving. IPMI works to advance the parking and mobility profession through professional development, research and data collection, advocacy, and outreach.
IPMI is a proud member and active supporter of the CHARGE Coalition, as well as an Strategic Partner to the United States Green Building Council, Green Business Certification Institute, and the Parksmart Program, the only rating system of its kind to certify high-performing, sustainable parking structures alongside the suite of LEED rating systems.
About the EV Readiness Cohort
The IPMI EV Readiness Cohort specializes in planning, research, and innovation industry-wide to create partnerships and resources that enable IPMI members to prepare for and accommodate anticipated needs and requirements to support EVs across all segments of the industry. The small expert working group develops targeted and impactful resources of benefit to IPMI members relative to the challenge and opportunities around electrification.
Following analysis and benchmarking based on survey data, the Cohort will develop a series of essential resources to guide industry electrification, including a new educational program sharing best practices and survey results.