IPMI Launches Parking & Mobility Accessibility Survey
October 18, 2023
IPMI has just issued a new national survey to capture critical benchmarks and data on the state of the industry’s policies, programs, and practices on accessibility in parking, transportation, and mobility operations and programs.
We are seeking your feedback as professionals in the industry across all market sectors. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete, and includes questions designed to measure industry performance, assess current practices, and identify barriers and challenges as we plan for greater mobility and accessibility for all patrons.
Take the IPMI Parking & Mobility Accessibility Survey Now.
Improving Accessibility Across the Board
Although the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act made discrimination against people with disabilities in transportation illegal, ensuring sufficient accessible parking remains an ongoing challenge. Municipalities face a daunting challenge; they must provide accessible parking for disabled patrons, meet the growing demands of an aging population, and tackle widespread abuse to ensure that spaces are available for those who need them.
For millions of Americans with mobility disabilities, the inability to park near destinations can be a frequent occurrence that profoundly affects their ability to lead independent lives.
According to the Accessible Parking Coalition, of which IPMI is a founding member:
- 69% of people with disabilities have problems finding accessible parking.
- 96% say parking availability is important to leading an independent life.
- 52% have decided not to make a trip because of concerns about finding parking.
“Improving accessibility and equity in parking, transportation, and mobility operations is critical to our organization, our Board of Directors, our membership, and the industry at large. IPMI founded the Accessible Parking Coalition to improve accessibility for disabled patrons, increase transportation options, and ensure available spaces to meet their transportation needs, securing greater access to economic opportunity, healthcare, and community services.
The IPMI Accessibility Task Force is developing meaningful benchmarks, resources, and best practices to improve accessibility for all patrons. This survey is our critical next step to provide current research to form the foundation of our efforts to improve transportation mobility for patrons requiring accessible parking and related resources.”
Shawn Conrad, CAE, CEO
International Parking & Mobility Institute

About the IPMI Accessibility Task Force
IPMI is committed to improving access and equity across parking, transportation, and mobility programs. We recognize that every city’s regulatory structure, operations, needs, and demands will differ – but the challenge of greater accessibility for disabled patrons is nearly universal. The expert working group develops targeted and impactful resources of benefit to IPMI members and our industry at large to improve accessibility in parking and transportation programs nationwide.
About IPMI
The International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) is the world’s largest association of professionals in parking, transportation, and mobility. IPMI represents cities, municipalities, academic organizations, transit providers, commercial operators, and service providers and suppliers that support the parking, transportation, and mobility industry. In a recent survey, members represented more than 100,000 parking facilities, millions of spaces in the United States, and thousands of on-street operations.