By Tina Altman

Just coming back from a site visit in New Orleans where our July Conference & Expo will be held, and I have to say, walking into the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and being greeted by the team was a feeling like no other. We were just as happy to see them again as they were us. Entering the exhibit hall was a breath of fresh air with a scent of normalcy! Don’t get me wrong, Tampa was amazing and allowed us to get back into the groove of things, but seeing us return to a convention center is even more amazing. The convention center has made a few updates along with new drop off and pick up areas, but it felt like we were “home again” in a sense.
I am not from New Orleans, but it is one of my many favorite cities to visit. The culture is none like no other. The food, arts, music, museums, all unique. I hope you are looking forward to going in July as much as we are!
Tina Altman is IPMI’s manager, member event services.