Lancaster Parking Authority Gears Up for Opening of New Parking Garage Project as Part of Ewell Plaza and New Public Library

LANCASTER, PA — The construction of the Christian Street Parking Garage, future home of the Lancaster Public Library, new event space with green roof atop, 4,500 square feet of new retail space, and a direct pedestrian passageway from Queen Street to Christian Street is nearing completion.

As well, in Fall 2022, the statue honoring Barney Ewell, the Ewell Plaza landscape, and the installation of a colorful public art façade on the front of the garage and above the Lancaster Public Library will be complete.

The nine story, 325-space parking garage, located at 151 North Queen Street, will continue to fill a need in the downtown core. Even during Covid-19, demand for parking is strong, with wait lists at four of the seven LPA garages. The new garage will also serve direct access to tenants of the 101 NQ building, current home of LNP Media and Cargas.

When the garage was first proposed five years ago in 2017, the City of Lancaster and the Lancaster Parking Authority (LPA) recognized an opportunity to incorporate public art into the architectural façade of the new parking garage and asked that LPA utilize part of the project budget to design, fabricate, and install a creative backdrop to the emerging plaza. LPA agreed to redirect funds, the largest funds to public art in the history of the city, that would have otherwise been used to build a standard exterior.

The installation of the public art concludes a multi-year process that started with the formation of a selection committee to evaluate façade design proposals, including representatives from the Parking Authority, Public Library, Public Art Advisory Board, and the building’s architect and construction firms. Criteria for artist selection included a proven track record delivering similar projects safely, on time and on budget, including the ability to integrate public art into architectural façades.

Ultimately R&R Studios out of Miami, Florida, was selected and a design and engagement process was completed in 2021. Following the engagement process, LPA elected to proceed with the artistic concept that received the most community votes, entitled the New Lancaster Rainbow. The refined version of that concept will be presented to the LPA Board on January 27 at 8am so the façade project can move into the next phase of engineering.

The anticipated opening of the $34 million Christian Street Garage portion of the project will be March 1, 2022, with the remaining elements throughout 2022.

Larry J. Cohen, Executive Director or 717-299-0907