“Our customers needed additional options to connect with us due to COVID,” said Kirklin Washington, Customer Service Manager for EasyPark. “We immediately identified that all forms needed to be made available online and we instituted a chat option on our updated website.”
“Streamlining the EasyPark website became a priority under the COVID demands,” said Demetric Tuggle, Parking Director for EasyPark. “The website was under review and being modified internally by Van Sanders, Branding and Creative Manager. COVID sped up the process for our customer needs and became a priority.”
New features on the EasyPark website is the chat option, forms are available online, less clicks to navigate for parking assistance, process a validation online feature, and a live interface with google mapping and EasyPark’s parking locations.
To review the updated website, visit www.easyparkalaska.com. EasyPark welcomes feedback which can be sent to info@easyparkalaska.com.
About EasyPark
EasyPark is the brand name of the parking services operated by Anchorage Community Development Authority (ACDA). ACDA is a public corporate authority for the Municipality of Anchorage. ACDA’s parking division, EasyPark, manages more than 6,000 parking spaces in downtown Anchorage.