Genetec rose to #3 access control software vendor position in the Americas with nearly 45% growth while capturing market share worldwide to take #6 position globally
MONTRÉAL, July 30, 2019— According to a recent report published by business intelligence provider IHS Markit (NASDAQ: INFO), Genetec Inc. (“Genetec”), a leading technology provider of unified security, public safety, operations, and business intelligence solutions, has become one of the fastest-growing providers of access control software in the world. The IHS report showed Genetec rising to the number 3 position in the Americas region (with a 45% growth in business in the region), and to the number 6 position globally in 2018.
According to the report Access Control Intelligence Service Annual Update for Global and Regional Databases 2019, “The advanced analytical capabilities of Genetec Security Center software have led Genetec to take market share from competitors, and several traditional access control equipment manufacturers have partnered with Genetec to take advantage of their superior software capabilities. As a result, the Genetec software business grew nearly 45% in the Americas in 2018 to reach a 7.8% market share in the region.”
“Broad adoption of Genetec SynergisTM demonstrates that our focus on offering a unified enterprise-class access control platform is putting us in a strong, leadership position. Genetec is capturing market share based on innovative technology and this is resulting in strong organic growth of our access control business worldwide,” said Thibaut Louvet, Product Group Director, Access Control.
According to IHS Markit (2017 Video Surveillance Market Share Database, 2017 Access Control Intelligence Database, and 2018 ANPR & Detection Sensors Report) Genetec is the only security and public safety solutions developer to hold top-10 global rankings across all physical security industry sectors including video management software (VMS), access control software, and automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) software.
About Genetec
Genetec Inc. is an innovative technology company with a broad solutions portfolio that encompasses security, intelligence, and operations. The company’s flagship product, Security Center, is an open-architecture platform that unifies IP-based video surveillance, access control, automatic license plate recognition (ALPR), communications, and analytics. Genetec also develops cloud-based solutions and services designed to improve security, and contribute new levels of operational intelligence for governments, enterprises, transport, and the communities in which we live. Founded in 1997, and headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Genetec serves its global customers via an extensive network of resellers, integrators, certified channel partners, and consultants in over 80 countries.
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Press Contacts:
Véronique Froment
Tel: +1 603.537.9248