By Vanessa R. Cummings
We parking professionals are unique in our passion for parking and transportation. We find ourselves more bothered by illegal parkers than the average person and do not follow the rationale of the perpetrators, who have stories as to why they were only parked for a few minutes.
Who else goes on vacation and notices multi-space meter styles, evaluates signage in garages, checks out the PARCS, and looks for new and innovative ways to improve our operations? Do your friends and family members wonder what is wrong with you or why you find this stuff so interesting? Do you ever tell your college-bound family members and friends that you know the director of parking at their college or university or that you are impressed with the changes made in the city’s parking program?
If you relate to any of these examples, you are definitely a parking professional! Who else sees opportunities for improvement and gets frustrated when people cannot follow simple signage and parking logic? Say it loud, I love parking and I’m proud!
Oh well, I just had to share my saga with people who would understand!
Vanessa R. Cummings is supervisor, parking operations, at Columbus State Community College.