Parksmart certification helps parking facilities meet standards of sustainability and reduced environmental impact.
Parksmart is the world’s only rating system defining and recognizing sustainable practices in parking structure management, programming, design and technology. An industry-driven, field-tested road map for high-performance new and existing parking garages, Parksmart recognizes forward-thinking facilities working today to shape tomorrow’s transportation ecosystem.
Interested in certifying your parking facility with Parksmart? Purchase the Parksmart Certification Standard and get started today!
In a time of growing desire for more livable communities alongside a rising concern about our planet, Parksmart is both a road map and an assessment tool for 21st century parking. A century after the emergence of the Model T Ford, parking facility owners, developers, planners, architects, tenants, operators, policy makers and others are moving from a narrow “Where do we put the cars?” approach toward an integrated vision enabling more varied and sustainable means of mobility. This emerging approach integrates evolving technologies, multimodal mobility, connected cars, consumer choice, smart parking and intelligent transportation innovations.
Parksmart is a voluntary, consensus-driven standard that promotes:
- Increased energy efficiency and performance.
- Reduced environmental impact.
- Efficient parking structure management.
- Integrated sustainable mobility services and technologies.
- Diversity of mobility options and stronger community relationships.
Serving both existing and new parking structures in all markets, including commercial, university, municipal, hospital, retail and hospitality, Parksmart evaluates parking structure performance in three categories, addressing how we manage our facilities, the programs we offer and the technology and structures we employ.
We know that today’s parking structures, practices and business models will not be the same as tomorrow’s. Parksmart accelerates the transformation of the parking and mobility marketplace to improve the quality of our built space, mitigate the current challenges associated with parking and enhance sustainable mobility.
For more information, email Parksmart.